Wednesday, March 30, 2011

4.3.11 Covenant Renewal (Coming together, refreshed)

by: Christopher Birtwistle-Smith

We'll be spending our time together this Sunday renewing our visions and wishes for our ->
ASC community, oursleves and world.

We'll be exploring this by making a 
BIG rainbow Covenent wreath together.

  • What wishes do you have for Arlington Street Church if you could think of anything!
    I really mean anything over the

    This comes at a time between finishing our 6th UU Principle and starting our Final 7th UU Principle of the Year!

    It's Covenant Renewal Sunday!

    Looking forward to seeing you over the 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

3.27.11 Gardening peace and fairness

Gardening Peace & Fairness

During CRE we'll be in little community groups of 2-4 designing little gardens.
We'll draw (color) out and talk (bla,bla bla) about what we want to plant (grow) in them!

We will also have a chance to get our hands a little dirty! YES!!

Please bring with you a small toy, creature for this activity. Example:
A lego person, plastic car, etc...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3.20.11 Spring Peaceful Walking

Our 6th UU Principle: Peaceful,Fair, Free!

On the First Day of Spring! We will
Peaceful walk across the street from
ASC for a 
Walking Meditation 
in the Boston Gardens

There we will walk and search for a few things (Shh.. its a secret)....Come with your minds active and bodies ready for walking, smelling and exploring!

What do you love about the beginning 
of Springtime? why?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

3.13.11 Pieces of Peace

Pieces of Peace!
 This Sunday in CRE, 
we will be hearing stories about 
Peace and Community  (getting along)
and then creating a 
BIG Piece of PEACE Puzzle!

What special thing makes you feel peaceful?

Bring your thoughts to share 
and your hands ready to draw and write!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

3.6.11 Our 6th Unitarian Universalist Principle! Peace, Freedom, Fairness

Our 6th UU Principle painted by: Laura Evonne Steinman
The focus in CRE for the month of March is: 
Our 6th Unitarian Universalist Principle: 
The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all. 

Kids will use movement and photos to create PEACE, the WORLD, and the 6th Principle!

How do you think that can happen? 
Bring your ideas with you to share on Sunday morning!

The final hymn is this Sunday is: THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND

words and music by Woody Guthrie